Why The Landing Page Report Google Analytics is Vital


Why The Landing Page Report Google Analytics is Vital to Your SEO Success


Why The Landing Page Report Google Analytics is Vital to Your SEO Success

Would you like to know the pages with the highest conversion rate in Google Analytics? That’s where the landing page report Google Analytics comes in. With this knowledge, you can optimize content as needed so that you can improve the results.

In this article, I show you how to identify the high-converting content in Google Analytics.

The Landing Page Report Google Analytics

The Google Analytics landing page report offers you great insights into how your website is performing. But before we look at the report itself in detail, here are a few benefits of the landing page report.

You Know The Pages That Visitors Are Landing On

It is a fact that not every visitor lands on your homepage first. Whichever page they land on, if it fails to welcome them during their first visit, you will end up losing many conversions.

the landing page report google analytics tells you through which pages users enter your site

After you determine the first page on which visitors land, you can change it so that it includes a greeting for first-time visitors. Therefore, you give your visitors a good first impression.

You Can Determine The Pages And Blog Posts With The Most Conversions

Google Analytics allows you to sort the landing page report on a variety of metrics, such as revenue, sales or conversions. You can then easily tell the content that is best suited for your visitors.

Ideally, you should get rid of any content that receives a lot of traffic, but very little conversion.

You Can Alter Your Landing Pages To Increase the Conversion Rate

If your conversion rates are lower than you anticipate, the landing page report can give you insights into how to optimize these pages and give priority to the ones with the highest traffic.

The Landing Page Report

To get information from the landing page report, you need to have e-commerce tracking and goals set up. All you need to do now is select the website you want to study after logging in to Google Analytics.

You can find the reports in Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages. By default, Google Analytics shows you the landing pages report sorted based on popularity.

Landing Pages Responsible for the Highest Conversion Rates

So as to identify the landing pages that have the highest conversion rates, first select a specific goal from the drop-down menu found in the Conversions column.

Here, you can sort the table based on the number of conversions or the conversion rate. Just click on the header of the respective column.

Landing Pages Responsible for Highest Sales

If you would like to see the landing pages with the highest eCommerce sales, go to the Conversions column and choose eCommerce.

Now, you can either sort this table based on revenue or the transactions. 


Based on the data you receive from the landing page report Google Analytics, you can make the right optimizations to increase visitors, conversions, and sales. This article has shown you how to use this report.

Geeks of Digital is an analytics-driven online marketing and content production agency. We are experts when it comes to Google Analytics. Get in touch so we can use Analytics to take your business to the next level.

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