How To Interpret Google Analytics Report | Geeks of Digital


How To Interpret Google Analytics Report


why you need to understand analytics report

If you are using Google Analytics for the first time, chances are you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by the number of things you need to understand the tool.

Worry not. In this article, I will show you the different examples of the best Google Analytics reports that you need as a beginner to improve your website’s performance.

Number of Daily Visitors and Their Origin

As a beginner, you should run this report daily. To see it, just navigate to Acquisition > All Traffic > Source/Medium.

 reading analytics report make you a better SEO

This is an important report because it shows you the number of visits and where they come from for the chosen period. It also shows you the number of visits that come from organic search.

You will see a number of things on this report, including pages/session, average session duration, new users and bounce rate.

Pages per session show you the average number of pages your readers view before leaving the website. Here, more is better. The average session duration shows you the period visitors stay on the site.

New users refer to the number of new visits during that period. Finally, the bounce rate refers to the proportion of the visitors that exited the website without visiting any additional pages on the website.

Number of Visitors From Desktop and Mobile Devices

The Mobile Overview report is very important because it shows you how many users visit the site from a desktop computer, tablet or mobile phone. To get this report, go to Audience > Mobile > Overview.

Which Pages on The Site Are Most Popular?

If you want to find out the pages that are most popular on the site, simply navigate to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages.

This report could surprise you by showing you that your homepage is not your most popular page.

Where Do People Go First After Landing on My Site?

The Landing Pages report is where you go to if you want to know on which page people first visit on your site.

For more insights, you can combine the Landing Pages report with the Source/Medium report. All you have to do is select Source/Medium from the drop-down in the secondary dimensions.

To access this report, simply navigate to Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages.

What is the Number of People on My Now?

This report is critical because it reveals the actual number of visits in real-time on your site. To get to this report, simply go to REAL TIME on the left panel and select Overview.

Which Buttons Do Users Click On While Navigating The Site?

One of the best Google Analytics features is in-page analytics. This shows you which links, buttons and areas on the page that visitors click on the most.

This data is very important as it helps you analyze and optimize your site. For instance, you can move the most important content above the fold so that most people see and likely click on them.

To get this data, you need to install the Page Analytics Chrome extension. Then, go to the page you would like to get analytics for and then click on the browser Analytics icon.

Insights from the Best Google Analytics Reports

I really hope this article has demonstrated the importance of creating a Google Analytics account and the best Google Analytics reports to get insights on your site’s performance.

Geeks of Digital is an analytics-driven online marketing and content production agency. We are experts when it comes to Google Analytics. Get in touch so we can use Analytics to take your business to the next level.

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