Google Analytics Keyword Report - Getting The Hidden Data


Google Analytics Keyword Report – How to Get the Hidden Data



We normally use our gut feeling when choosing a dress or a pair of shoes. But trusting in your gut feeling in matters to do with SEO will not work very well. You need to use the Google Analytics keyword report for keyword and content insight.

Google Analytics has a lot of data from which you can uncover valuable insights. The problem with so much data is that without analytics knowledge, you will only scratch the surface.

Get Keyword Rankings from Google Analytics Keyword Report

I won’t lie to you:

Even though ranking for certain keywords is great for your ego, it still fails to capture the bigger picture. When building your campaigns, you need to pay attention to even the minute aspects of your data.

Even though there is a lot you need to keep in mind, the purpose of this post is to show you the Google Analytics accounts that you need to keep in mind. 

Organic Search

You can find the Organic Search report by navigating to Acquisition > Overview > Organic Search.

The organic search report shows you what organic users are searching for on the site - Google Analytics Keyword report

Normally you would start with the Overview under the Acquisition tab to get an idea of your site’s primary traffic channels. Here, Google Analytics shows you your traffic volume conversions and behavior.

So as to get an overview of organic traffic, navigate to Organic Search and play around with the filters in that table. Look at your most popular organic landing pages, keyword overview, the search engines bringing the highest traffic, bounce rates, exit rates and more.

Now that we mentioned bounce rates:

It is important to be particularly attentive on how the bounce rate varies from one page to the next. Look for the pages with a bounce rate that is higher than your site average. Fix any UI/UX issues on these pages.

You can also view your organic traffic across Google Analytics by clicking on ‘Add Segment’ and selecting the “Organic Traffic” checkbox.

Landing Pages and Page Titles

To view this report, navigate to Behavior > Site Content  > Landing Pages. Then, click on ‘’Add Secondary Dimension” and choose “Page Titles.”

Why did I tell you to do this?

Well, it is very frustrating when you open Google Analytics organic report and you see the words “not provided.” This is the result of searches that people have done securely, which means that they are logged into their Google Accounts.

The landing pages report shows you which pages users are landing on first, giving you an idea of the content to create to bring in more visitors - Google Analytics Keyword Report

But it would be amazing to see the list of keywords that people use to find your site, right? The answer to this problem is to look for an alternative solution.

You can view your organic traffic through the landing page report displayed with the page titles. When you include the page title, you can look at the keywords that those pages are optimized for.

In the same vein, you can determine the pages with the highest bounce rates. You can then determine whether the keywords need some refining, or you need to overhaul the content.


You will not find a Google Analytics Keyword Report for organic keywords. However, by combining your Landing Pages report with Page Title as a secondary dimension, you will get an idea of the keywords people type to get to your site. 

Geeks of Digital is an analytics-driven online marketing and content production agency. We are experts when it comes to Google Analytics. Get in touch so we can use Analytics to take your business to the next level.

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