How To Use the Conversion Report in Google Analytics | Geeks of Digital


How To Use the Conversion Report in Google Analytics


how to read conversion report

Google Analytics conversion reports reveal the activities of your site visitors prior to converting. Basically, these reports show you their whole path to conversion.

In this article, we look at the various conversion tabs in Google Analytics and the kind of information they give you.

Setting Up Conversion Goals

First, go to the Admin section. You will be taken to a page with three columns. These are Account, Property, and View. Beneath View, there is the Goals tab. Click on this.

You will now be taken to the Goals page. Hit the “+ New Goal” button.

Now, under “Goal Setup,” choose “Custom” at the bottom of the page. Then, click on “Continue.”

conversion report in analytics

Google Analytics will prompt you to give the goal a name and type. Give the goal a relevant name based on the conversion being tracked. Choose “Destination” as the type and click “Continue.”

Next, enter the address for the thank you page, which is what new subscribers see on opting in. Add this detail in the “Destination” field.

The “Funnel” section is very useful during conversion tracking, especially conversions that happen down the funnel such as a sale. For now, we won’t worry about this.

Now it is time to start recording. This is something that Google Analytics starts doing automatically after you create a goal. If you want to pause a goal, simply turn the recording to off.

Viewing the Data

Now that you have begun tracking the site, you will not get any data. Meanwhile, you can see site data on Acquisition > Overview. Now, choose the goal you just created under the “Conversion” dropdown menu.

You will see channels that give you the highest conversion rates. Use this data to choose the channel that you will concentrate on. You also can alter dates to show data for another period.

The single disadvantage of goals is that when running a number of campaigns, you need to craft goal for every conversion. Additionally, each campaign needs its own thank you page.

Reports in the Conversions Tab

The conversions tab has four main reports. These are Ecommerce, Goals, Multi-channel funnels and Attribution. 

Goals Report

The Goals Report lets you define and observe goals that ultimately result in conversions. 

E-Commerce Reports

E-commerce reports show your customers’ behavior in your e-commerce store. You need to have an e-commerce store on your site though.

Multi-Channel Funnel Report

The Multi-Channel Funnel report shows how your marketing channels perform and how they result in conversions. 

Attribution Report

Finally, the Attribution Report allows you to give conversion credit to certain points in the funnel flow.

A Review of Google Analytics Conversion Reports

The conversion report in Google Analytics shows you how your visitors are becoming leads and customers. However, you need to set up goals before you can see the conversion data. This article has taken you through Google Analytics Conversion Reports.

Geeks of Digital is an analytics-driven online marketing and content production agency. We are experts when it comes to Google Analytics. Get in touch so we can use Analytics to take your business to the next level.

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