How Free Google Marketing Tool Can Elevate your Marketing Game | Geeks of Digital


How Free Google Marketing Tool Can Elevate your Marketing Game


Free tools from Google

As one of the largest search engines, Google has made available to bloggers and webmasters an array of amazing tools that help them give their users the best experience on their sites and apps. That’s where Google Website Analysis comes in.

Let us now look at the different tools that Google offers that give you data that helps you see your website’s performance and improve where necessary.

Google Analytics and Google Search Console

If you are not using these Website Analysis tools, you are basically running your business blind. There is a large amount of data between these two platforms that give you a lot of insight about KPIs.

Google analytics

Without web analytics tools like Google Analytics, you are basically running your business blind.

Google Search console gives us information from Google about our site. It shows any errors that Google may find on the site, particularly sitemap and crawl errors.

These two are the most basic and vital free tools that Google offers online businesses to increase growth.

Adwords Keyword Planner

There are many free and paid keyword tools. The Adwords Keyword Planner is not only free but also a market leader. The objective behind keyword research is to identify the keywords to use in PPC campaigns.

google ad work keyword plannner

The Adwords Keyword Planner shows you the keywords that people use to seek the products and services that you offer.

Keyword Planner is important even if you are not doing paid advertising. With the tool, you can generate many long-tail phrases that you can use to create new content

Google My Business Listings

Google My Business Listing is very important, particularly in local search. It contains the right information you need to know about local businesses. You can provide a link to your site.

Google my business

With Google My Business Listings, your users can get enough information about your business that they don’t need to open your website.

However, based on how you list your information, there is no need for the customer to visit the website. You also choose images that represent you, post about upcoming events and any changes to business hours.

With Google My Business Listing, you can respond to the insights from Google. Google will give you valuable insights into how users respond to your business profile. 

With this, you can make operational decisions, and change strategies as needed.

Structured Data Testing Tool

Search engines use structured data and schema to understand your site and content. Many businesses, however, find it challenging to implement schema.

Structured data testing tool

Structured Data Testing lets you test your site’s schema for accuracy and completeness.

With the Google Structured Data Testing Tool, webmasters and marketers can check their schema implementation for completeness and accuracy. This tool locates the presence of structured data and gives errors and warnings.

Google Alerts

Marketers and PR professionals are well versed on the importance of Google Alerts. These are notifications that alert subscribed individuals about any new or altered web content.

google alert

Google Alerts is handy because it lets you know when web content changes, eliminating the need for constantly scanning the internet.

People are usually very busy and don’t have the time to scan the internet for changes. When you have Google Alerts properly set, it will manage the alerts for you.

You can set the frequency of your alerts to either daily or weekly depending on your needs.

Google Trends

While Google Alerts updates you on the latest news, Google Trends lets you see how trends have evolved over time. You can then use this information to predict where trends might go.

google trend

Google Trends helps you to measure and even compare how the interest in a subject changes over time.

You can change the timeline of the trends to as little as an hour or as far back as 2004. You can even compare how interest changes from one geographical area to another and from one website to another.

You also get to see the topics whose interest by the public is declining.

Google Website Analysis: Conclusion

Wouldn’t you agree with me that we have amazing Google website analysis tools to measure the performance of our websites? This article has highlighted the tools from Google to help our sites rank better.

Geeks of Digital is a data analytics and content creation agency. Get in touch with Geeks of Digital today to get help setting up and using Google Website Analysis.

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