Social Media Strategy for Fashion Brand | Geeks of Digital


Social Media Strategy for Fashion Brand


fashion brand social media strategy

It is no secret that in modern times, you need a fashion brand social media strategy. Social media is where most of your customers spend their time. So you need strategies to connect with them on social media networks.

Let me now show you how engaging with your community, using influencers, having your buyers do most of the work and taking bold but careful steps in community activities can bring you more sales. 

Engage With All Your Community

Social media is different from print advertising. In print, the goal is to get as many people as possible to view the advert. In social media, however, the goal is increased engagement.

What does this mean?

setting a goal is the key to a great strategy

Always have the goal of getting your audience to respond through comments and sharing their pictures. 

Basically, your goal should be to get your audience to respond. This is the only way to build deep relationships. While your audience can share the content, you should get them to comment and send you direct messages.

What does this mean?

If a customer tags your brand in a photo in which they are wearing one of your designs, reach out to them with a like, a repost or a comment.

Use Influencers Whenever Possible

Businesses understand the power of influencer marketing. Which explains why 78% of 600 fashion brands in a survey implemented influencer marketing in 2017. 

influencer marketing is another strategy

Influencer marketing is particularly important in the fashion industry. Harness its power in your business.

This is an increase from 65% in the previous year.

So the issue is not whether to use influencer marketing, but rather how to use influencer marketing. Influencers can help you steer a conversation towards your fashion brand, which is why it is an important fashion brand social media strategy.

Let the Buyer Do Most of The Work

You can increase your visibility as a brand by encouraging fans to create content. Remember that your audience is following hundreds of other accounts and they’ll likely miss out on your posts.

engagement with fans is important

If a customer shares some content about your business or tags your business in a photo, repost, like and use that content in your blog. This will encourage them to post more.

What shrewd fashion companies are doing is reposting the content created by their followers. The effect is that this encourages the customers to share more content as they feel they are being recognized by the brand.

Additionally, you can collaborate with fans on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram

Take a Bold But Careful Step

All businesses are expected to be socially responsible. This can be through supporting a popular charity. For example, Gucci donated $500,000 towards gun control.

I won’t lie to you:

Supporting a societal cause can invite a backlash. Your customers can spot whether or not you are authentic. And they will easily call out what they consider deceitful.

 taking the right stand will help the brand

Taking the right stand in a societal matter can increase loyalty and sales. The wrong stand can be catastrophic. So be very careful about what you support.

This is important because, on social media, brands have very little control over what customers share. Another outcome of brands interacting with their followers is political activism.

If your brand takes a controversial political stand, it can positively or negatively affect sales. Done correctly, the stand that a fashion brand takes can increase brand loyalty.

What We’ve Learned About Fashion Brand Social Media Strategy

This article has shown you ingenious ways of using social media to increase brand awareness, loyalty, and sales. It is important that before taking a political stand that you think of the likely business repercussions.

Geeks of Digital helps fashion businesses like yours streamline their sales marketing funnels. You will, as a result, bring in more qualified people into the funnel and get more conversions and sales. Contact us today.

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