eCommerce Organic Search - Geeks of Digital
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We help marketing teams know exactly how to plan, prioritize and build content that produces results from SEO. We use effective measurement strategies combined with data analytics disciplines to build content frameworks that are scalable in nature.

No long-term commitments. We understand that most of the work is one-off and hence we got rid of retainers. We work on Sprint Methodology so that you only pay for the work that you get delivered.

What’s included?

See our work in action

Content Audit and Analysis

Content Audit and Analysis

We use your existing data to identify what type of content is working and what’s not. This sets the foundation for creating a scalable framework.

Map Buyer Journey with Content

Map Buyer Journey with Content

Buyer journey is an often overlooked aspect of content marketing, we help you map out the exact journey that gets targeted with every content asset you have.

Keyword Gap Analysis (Identifying TAM)

Keyword Gap Analysis (Identifying TAM)

Our data analytics team helps you identify the Total Addressable Market by running a Keyword Gap Analysis. This lets us identify how soon and how far we can go to beat the competition.

Content Calendar

Content Calendar

Based on the audits, analysis, and Keyword Gap Analysis we build out an extensive 6 to 12 months of a content calendar for your content team.

Content Briefs

Content Briefs

Our content analysts will do the groundwork to build out detailed content outlines to set a guideline for your content production team. These briefs are highly detailed and data-driven.

Custom Dashboards

Custom Dashboards

Our data analytics team will put together a custom dashboard to help you gauge the results in real-time as well as compare them in retrospect.

Finding It Interesting? Schedule A One On One Meeting With Our Consultant Now.

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