The Best Fashion Social Media Campaigns For Fashion Brands


Best Fashion Social Media Campaigns: Why They Involve Giveaways, Influencers, Instagram Followers and Gift Guides


The Best Fashion Social Media Campaigns For Fashion Brands

Fashion is always changing and your fashion business should move with the trends. Social media plays an integral role in the growth of all sorts of businesses, which you need to understand to create the best fashion social media campaigns.

In this article, I present the best fashion social media campaigns that bring exceptional financial results to your business.

Method 1: Run a Giveaway Campaign To Increase Brand Awareness and Social Media Community Size

If you stock a very popular item in your store, you can run a giveaway campaign on Instagram. To win, ask your followers to explain why they would like the item. Also, have them tag three of their friends.

You will find that your followers’ friends will also tag their friends and soon enough, you will have a frenzy on your hands.

Giveaway campaigns increase brand awareness and the creation of the best fashion social media campaigns

Giveaway campaigns increase brand awareness and the size of your social media community.

And it doesn’t have to stop there:

You can make Instagram giveaways a permanent feature of your brand, where you give away a different item every month.

Your Instagram hashtags should sound beneficial and be recognizable for the different items you are giving away. Also, have a special hashtag for the giveaway program, one that you will reuse.

In the end, your Instagram followers will be more aware of your brand.

Method 2: Use Influencers in Your Line of Business to Reach More Prospects

You can reach more of your target audience by reaching out to a popular vlogger or blogger that has a dedicated following. These influencers are respected by their followers.

As such, the single mention or showcase of your fashion products can have an immediate impact on your bottom line. Work with the influencers to create content around a certain campaign.

influencers mention your products, you instantly see a surge in interest and sales and should be considered as a requirement for creating the best fashion social media campaigns

When influencers mention your products, you instantly see a surge in interest and sales. Take advantage of them.

If they are unavailable to create content, you can share with them pictures of the product that they can in turn share with their loved ones. You will increase sales and increase the level of engagement in your product.

You can also run Facebook adverts where you share pictures of the influencers using your products. Not only will you send traffic to the influencer’s site, but you will also get your site noticed.

Method 3: Request That Every New Email Subscriber Follows You On Instagram

As you send a thank you email to those who subscribe to your blog, ask them to follow you on Instagram for tips and style inspiration.

To create the best fashion social media campaigns, encourage users to subscribe to your blog, have them follow you on Instagram and share their photos through special hashtags

As soon as people subscribe to your blog, have them follow you on Instagram and share their photos through special hashtags.

Implore them to not simply follow you, but to also share photos of themselves with your brand through your special hashtags. This sharing of photography creates brand loyalty and gives your brand a personal touch.

Method 4: Create Gift Guides That Your Buyers Can Refer to For Different Life Events

If you have a business, you should have a buyer personas. These are the profiles that represent the most common customers your business gets. Create gift guides for the various life occasions in your buyers’ lives.

People purchase gifts throughout the year, and not just during Christmas. Therefore, create gift guides for Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Valentine’s Day, graduation ceremonies, anniversaries, weddings and even baby showers.

People buy gifts throughout the year. Create gift guides for special moments in your buyers’ lives and holidays.

Place these gift guides on your site. Also, send them in your email marketing campaigns. Create images of the gift guides and share them on social media. 

Have a collection of the perfect gift for moms for Mothers Day, for loved ones on Christmas, for fathers on Fathers Day and for lovers on Valentine’s Day. You can go ahead and create eBooks for different gifting categories.

Just one note:

If you create eBooks, make sure they contain links to your e-commerce store so that the buyers can easily make a purchase. Don’t let them Google for your website. Such details are what add up to the creation of the best fashion social media campaigns

What We’ve Learned About the Best Fashion Social Media Campaigns

As you can see, using the above methods will result in the best fashion social media campaigns. And these methods are not difficult to implement. They will give you more prospects and customers.

Geeks of Digital is a content creation and digital marketing agency that can help you design campaigns based on your ideal buyer personas. Get in touch and we will help you fashion great campaigns.

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