What Is Google Analytics Used For And Its Importance


What Is Google Analytics Used For And Why Your Online Business Cannot Do Without It


What Is Google Analytics Used For And Why Your Online Business Cannot Do Without It

What is Google Analytics used for? Google Analytics is a free tool from Google that collects data about your website such as your audience, what they do on your site and how your site is converting.  

In this article, we look at how Google Analytics reports helps you boost user experience, site content, and conversions.

Google Analytics Shows You the Most Important Analytics Data First

If you want to see the most important data (in your opinion) at a glance whenever you open Google Analytics, you can set that up in the Dashboards area.

Google Analytics allows you to create several dashboards, each containing several widgets. Simply create a new dashboard and then add your widgets - What is Google Analytics Used ForGoogle Analytics allows you to create several dashboards, each containing several widgets. Simply create a new dashboard and then add your widgets. 

Choose between widgets that show you a particular metric, a timeline of at least one metric or a table with a dimension and two metrics. Additionally, you can filter through each type of widget.

Another benefit of the dashboards is that you can alter the date range and all the widgets will update based on that range.

See Where Your Best Visitors Come From

If you are thinking of advertising either via Google or social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, you need to understand the people you want to reach with your adverts.

In fact, when setting up your adverts, most platforms will ask you whether you want to run your ads worldwide or in a certain area.

Google Analytics shows you where your site visitors are from - What is Google Analytics Used For

Google Analytics shows you where your site visitors are from.

Google Analytics reports show you the location and demographics of your visitors. You also get to see the average time they spend on your site and the bounce rate in different countries where your audience comes from.

As such, you will know where your best visitors come from. You can then focus your adverts in these areas, resulting in more conversions.

Understand What People Search For On Your Site

Knowing the keywords that visitors use to reach your site is great. But do you know what they search for once they are on the site? If your site has a search box, Google Analytics custom reports can help you see what they search for.

Search for something using the search bar and look at the resultant URL. Most will look like this: yourwebsite.com/?s=search-term.

With the Search Terms report, you get to see the words and phrases that users input into your site’s search bar.

Go to Behavior -> Site Search settings in Google Analytics. There you will be able to see the search terms that visitors use. If you notice many users searching for a certain keyword, you can produce more content in that regard.

Which Are The Worst Performing Pages?

Exit Pages tell you the percentage of your visitors that are arriving at a certain page and then exiting the site. This is okay as people visit blogs for certain information and then leave.

Exit pages show you which pages your users leave your site on - What is Google Analytics Used ForExit pages show you which pages your users leave your site on.

In some instances, people leave because they cannot find what they are looking for. This is an indication that you should reevaluate the website content to ensure that visitors find what they are looking for.

Also knowing where most of your visitors leave the site is important because you can add a call to action on that page so that they get to where you want them to be before leaving.

What is Google Analytics Used For? A Review

As we have seen in this article, Google Analytics is very crucial in helping you assess the performance of your website and understand your visitors. There’s really no excuse for not using it.

You also now know what is Google Analytics used for.

Geeks of Digital is a data analytics and content creation agency. Get in touch with Geeks of Digital today to get help setting up and using Google Analytics.

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