Best Ways to Promote a Clothing Brand Online (with Examples) | Geeks of Digital


Best Ways to Promote a Clothing Brand Online (with Examples)


how market a clothing brand

Let’s face it: The online fashion market is crowded. This is a problem because differentiating your brand becomes harder than ever before. Besides, many businesses do not know how to market a clothing line on social media.

Social media marketing is one of the best methods to get your products in front of your audience. It helps improve your brand presence and sales, and also increases brand awareness.

In this article, we look at how to market a clothing line on social media.

Method 1: Retarget Facebook Visitors to Increase Conversion Rates

Most visitors are not ready to purchase the moment they see your advert. Retargeting allows you to reach the people who are thinking of buying your products.


Through reminder adverts. 

retargeting campaign to promote fashion brand

Retargeting campaigns on Facebook help reach those who left their shopping carts without making a purchase. This helps expand your reach.

Facebook allows you to create custom audiences. With custom audiences, you can reach similar audiences and expand your reach. Now if they do not act within a week, you can motivate them with a discount.

Another group to retarget is those who abandoned their shopping carts. You get to close sales that you otherwise would not have made. 

Method 2: Run A Holiday Promotion to Increase Sales and Capture Buyer Attention

Based on the time of the year, you can give your buyers a range of incentives. 

Let’s say it is Christmas. You can send out a series of emails that inform your potential customers about discounts. You could even set aside a week of discounts and promote a different product each day.

 holiday promotions to promote fashion brand

Running holiday promotions where you promote a different product each day with a discount increases buyers’ incentive to purchase.

On one day you can promote clothes, on another day shoes and so on. This will be more than enough incentive for your subscribers to share these emails with the people they know.

If it is before Easter, you can have your site display an Easter Egg Hunt. Offer discount codes on tops and dresses that may be appropriate for the occasion.

Method 3: Make Style Guides Showing Visitors How to Use Products in Their Day to Day Life

If you sell a variety of clothes on your site, you can create a style guide and upload it on your website. You are basically telling your subscribers that you think a certain top goes well with a certain skirt that you sell.

style guides help the brand communication

Style guides help your potential customers understand how they can match the different clothes you stock in your store.

And I’m not saying that you should just create one guide. Create a guide for the summer, spring, winter, and fall. You can even create a guide for weddings, picnics, Christmas.

Create a style guide for weekdays and weekends. We encourage you to list the guides in a particular section of your website. This will allow you to provide more in-depth information on each item in the collection.

Review: How to Market a Clothing Line on Social Media

There you have it! Three amazing ways on how to market a clothing line on social media. Facebook retargeting, holiday promotions and creating style guides can bring amazing results to your business.

At Geeks of Digital, we specialize in helping businesses find their niche markets and creating content and campaigns designed to move those audiences into taking action. Get in touch for more information.

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